Fireworks Display Specialist for Weddings and all Occasions!

Est 1980 - Tel 07932 596 035
Specialist in firework wedding displays, firework musical displays, bonfire night fireworks, pyrotechnic firework displays

Bonfire Fireworks Display to music (£3500 ) Package

This package can also be booked for your wedding

This Is a 20 minutes display, Starts with a number of Illuminations and prays Of silver and gold, Following with Barrages, cakes, Candles, fanning out with Colour and effects . Going on for none stop ten minutes, then ending with a none stop Aerial Fantastic display of shells Fired from Tubes Size 75mm, 100mm, 125mm 150, of colour , effects and shapes, and noise, lasting 10 minutes , making the display 20 minutes duration.

This display is all fired to music with a back drop Scenery castle flood lit, we fire most of the display from behind the castle as a safety Issue, we provide the PA system, Insurance and the risk assessment, If you would like to book this display , Be Quick, we only take on few for 5th November.

Full Insurance Cover


Star supplier

